Tuesday, January 28, 2014


Its a pretty monumental week in this house. We are kicking off our renewed endeavor to get to know our neighbors. It is my birthday week! :) And Caleb is now 8 weeks old! :)

My hubby has been quite convicted about our relationship with our neighbors. I am admittedly the hindrance in further steps to befriend them. Not because I don't want to, or because they aren't nice, but because I'm nervous about entertaining, making dinner, and taking care of my guests conversationally at the same time. We chat outside, or in garages; We help our neighbors with broken equipment and outdoor jobs. But we haven't had many of them into our home. We really began praying about and for our neighbors in the latter half of last year ... And praying for my heart as well. I want to be fully given to the ministries God has called us to, and if He is calling Stephen... He is calling me too. My nervousness is little cost to sharing the love of Jesus! So, we think we have figured out a way that makes me more comfortable. Instead of a full out dinner each Wednesday, we are starting with inviting neighbors over for desert. A simple, tasty desert. :) I am so thankful God gave us the idea! I think we might actually get more folks to come over this way as well. It's more informal, and might help put new friends at ease. (I hope!)

So we are going to boldly press forward in befriending our neighbors - particularly by inviting them into our home. Loving them, helping them, knowing them, and sharing Christ.  We have our first friends coming tomorrow and I am really excited to get to know the sweet family better! 

And it is my birthday week! One of my sisters is cool enough to have a birthday month, but I mostly have a birthday week. :) and it has been so fun already! I got to see all my sisters already and my mom. Stephen surprised me with a delicious pizza dinner and is leaving me sweet notes all over the place. And Caleb is gifting me with innumerable smiles. I don't know what all we are going to be doing this week to celebrate my upcoming birthday... But we have two parties happening, I am going shopping, and am treating myself to Starbucks and a cupcake. That at the very least always happens on my birthday. :) Because coffee and cupcakes are my favorite. :)

Today was definitely a memorable day because our Caleb is 8 weeks old! I know anyone reading only hears, "Bla, bla, bla" when I say: he has already grown so much! But it is so true! His little fingernails were so tiny when he was born and now his thumb nail is almost as big as my pinky nail! Ok... Maybe 3/4ths as big. :) But he is such a miracle and God is mighty to sustain his little body! 

Dear Sweet Caleb,
Happy week birthday, my Son. What a memory of a day!
Today Caleb, we are praising God! We were told that before about 8 weeks, babies can't localize an infection and it would be very dangerous for you to get a fever. Sickness seemed very close several times since you have been born! Daddy had a fever the day before I went into labor with you. And at Christmas the whole family had the flu! We were very careful to protect you and my, how we prayed! And God answered so graciously! None of us have gotten sick. You have been very healthy these 8 weeks and I am so thankful to The Lord! Spinal taps, needles in kidneys and catheters are not our friends right now. And I never want you to HAVE to know them. Every day, I thank. God that he holds you in His perfect hands.
I love you dear son, 
Your Mommy

Every day around this home has been very sweet. Stephen and I are still on our honeymoon, and Caleb adds to the party!

Common sayings:
Milk face!!
Stinky diaper? "Oh, son you are SO TALENTED!!"

Common nicknames for Caleb:
Little son,
Little buddy,
Dr. Brown - because when I pick him up for a nap or after he eats, his hair on the side (which... Is pretty much the only place he has hair... Just keeping it real. :) sticks straight out and up giving him an uncanny resemblance to this character:
Jaguar Son - because occasionally when he is offended the pitch of his cry is a bit wild. :)

Family nicknames:
Cawelub - from my sisters 
Precious nibblett - my family and a neighbor!!
Chubs - Grandpa Foster
The bambino - Grandpa Fasolino 

These are just some pictures of our precious day. Caleb is my laundry buddy, he loves to play, and never can wait for Daddy to come home!

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