Friday, February 7, 2014

Birthday Gaiety

Words describing how wonderful my birthday was ... sound so silly. How cliche is it to say it was the BEST BIRTHDAY EVER!!! ... ? But it really was ...

I spent the day enjoying my baby and my husband. I ate all three meals with my wonderful Stephen. Many friends and all my family remembered my birthday. I drank a Cinnamon Dulce Frap that I got for FREE. I visited with my sister AND sister-in-law (She happens to be the same person :) and one of my sweet nephews and 2 of my sweet nieces.  I went shopping and did my new favorite thing - buying BABY CLOTHES!  Caleb woke up early from his nap while we were out gallivanting around town, and I was so happy to forgo purchasing my traditional cupcake treat and head home to take care of my little man.  But then, among a bunch of other surprises, Stephen bought me my cupcake on the way home from work! We ate a special steak dinner at home ... and then chilled indoors visiting over Skype with family in Mexico.

The. Perfect. Day.

But the party didn't end!!! It was a jam packed next few days!

On Saturday, we had a group birthday party on my side of the family for myself, 2 sisters and one of my brothers-in-law. We had a slightly morphed AGGIE Special lunch... That's when you put all the food (Texas meat and sides) on the table and eat with just a knife. No forks or plates allowed! Another birthday party tradition is to all write limericks for the birthday folks. 

These are some limericks that were written for me:

There's no one who's quite like our Ellie
She makes Stephen's knees turn to jelly
She's classy and sweet 
She makes him complete
In her doth the spirit indwelly
~ my Daddy

Dear Ellie is growing these days
That's spiritually and not sideways 
She's long and she's lean
Though not a string bean
Her curves set dear Stephen ablaze
~ my Mom

Who am I?
I am extremely fun 
I must take care and the sun
My man thinks I'm cool 
When I'm covered in drool
And I've come face-to-face with the gun
~ Ivy

Sunday evening was the Faso Annual Super Bowl party at Grandpa's house. There was so much food! Caleb blew out of his diaper, and we had a great time together. :)

The following Monday, Caleb turned 2 months old! 

Dearest Caleb, 
Son, you are learning so many things. How to sit and stand. To laugh and chat. That Mommy will always wipe your tears. That evenings with Daddy are the best.  

You grow more treasured to us every day.  And we spend much time praying for you. That God will keep you safe as you sleep and that He will continue to show His incredible hand of mercy in your life.

We adore everything about you, little Caleb. From the deepening creases on your wrists and legs, to your adorable calic and contagious smile. 

You are our most loved and cherished little son. 

Love, your Mommy

My birthday week came to a big finale on Thursday when Kim and I had our joint party on the Faso side. What a great hoot! The steak was delicious, and the ice cream cake was supreme. Kim and I both sat in the front of the room and synchronicely (totally not a word, btw.) opened presents. :) One Faso birthday tradition is to sing the Happy Birthday song every few minutes and loudly "ooh and ahh" over each gift. Then we have a huge wrapping paper fight, pelting each other like crazy with all the balled up paper!

Your grace and mercy astounds me every day. Thank you for my 25 years, for my loving family, for all my friends. Thank you for my husband that loves You, and for my son You miraculously created. Please, help me to never forget Your blessing, and to always see Your hand of mercy in my life.

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