Wednesday, February 19, 2014

My Ode - 1/Many

Today, I am beginning a new series entitled,  "My Ode". Many things in life are taken for granted or simply under-appreciated for their true value. 

Take belly buttons for example. I didn't think about mine, or realize the happiness it could bring me till I was pregnant. I think my belly button popped on purpose just to show me how long it had been overlooked. Now, I love my belly button; I understand its value and truly rejoice over it. If something happened and I lost my belly button I would truly cry. But... This ode is not for my belly button. This ode is for ....

The birthing ball! 

Seriously, I never knew how much I would love and need that thing. I used it a lot during pregnancy to relieve discomfort and prepare for labor. I used it during labor...a little bit. :) but I use it a lot now! Why? It bounces... And Caleb loves it. I sit and bounce with him if he wants a good bounce just for fun. I use it when I'm trying to calm his crying and I can't stand up anymore. I use it all the time and I am compelled to sing its praise! It's weighted so I don't fall over. It's the perfect size and it lets me rest a wee bit while still taking care of my bitty son. Whoever invented the birthing ball was a genius... And I am very grateful!

Sometimes it's the small, under-appreciated, overlooked LITTLE things that can bring so much joy!  :)

My "Ode to the Birthing Ball" now is done.

1 comment:

  1. I really was not enjoying this post until you said that your birthing ball was weighted.....whew. all I was able to imagine was my poor Bibkin getting rolled backward into the dresser corner. :( But now that that is cleared up I would have to say, "bounce away!" :-)
